Thursday, 22 August 2024

Filming Schedule

 This is our project filming schedule

Exploration 1 sceneZaturday 24 aug1. Hidden Canyon Beji GuwangGroupalex swamp hatcamera/phoneSHOTS
Exploration 2 sceneZaturday? 24 aug2. Suluban beachGroupswimsuitmicrophone
Sagara does not consent to wearing a kamen. (
first aid kit

24 August
left sagaras house at 16.00
location closes at 16.30
our plans are a complete disaster but we managed and filmed our intro in the street and then went home

today i filmed several locations for our intro using my phone. i chose to use my phone instead of my camera because it has a stablizer which makes it seem more cinematic and of better quality, less shakey. we are forced to reschedule our shoot because we were 2 hours behind schedule. we are also thinking of picking a different location as an alternative as the entrance fee was quite pricey, with a total of 1.2 mill for the 4 of us. Although today wasnt as productive as we had hoped, we still made something out of today, caught a great view if the sunset for our intro and we went over some of our song choices for the intro.

i need to:
record the canera shot sound for the video.

sunday 1 sep, we were supposed to shoot but half our members cannoy make it so we delayed it till thursday.
we changed the location to legian beach because its free and has a wider time range

thursday 5 september. change of locqtion again to sanur beach and  gusdes house. we decided to shoot at legian
so far:
weve filmed the beginning at gusdes house, the cafe.
we filmed with my camera from the outside and used bams' phone for the audio. we made sure to have someone to be the clapper so that sorting the audio with the clip is easier.
we filmed the walk at the beach, going in and out of the mall, a traditional dance in the mall, and cafe scene.

a lot of things go against our plans however we made it work and did great also with the help of our other friend.we had to work with what we have. we planned our intro and our ending however we only stuck with our ending and did not include our intro. it turned out great though

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